Welcome to

Chabad of Austin

A Jewish home for people that live, work, play & study in the city of Austin.

Featured Events

Now is the best time to start or continue your Jewish learning journey! 

Find out about study opportunities open to the public, catered to all backgrounds and levels of knowledge.

Explore your roots

Join a Community of Learners

Expand Your Knowledge Base

✔ Delve into the rich heritage of Torah

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Explore our range of community services that bring people together and foster a sense of belonging.

Forge Meaningful Connections

Strengthen community bonds

Empowerment Through Sisterhood

✔ Brotherhood in Action

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Engage your children in exciting and educational programs designed to enrich their Jewish identity and values.

Fun for all ages

Celebrate with a Twist

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From little toddlers to elementary children, Aleph Bet Preschool and Tamim Academy provide a vibrant world of youth education. Watch your children thrive in their Jewish identity!




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Celebrate Jewish holidays in style! From joyful Purim parties to uplifting Chanukah events, experience the beauty and traditions of our festivals with joy, meaning, and community spirit.

Where Fun Meets Tradition

High Energy

camaraderie and togetherness

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Now is the best time to start or continue your Jewish learning journey! 

Find out about study opportunities open to the public, catered to all backgrounds and levels of knowledge.

Explore your roots

Join a Community of Learners

Expand Your Knowledge Base

✔ Delve into the rich heritage of Torah

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Explore our range of community services that bring people together and foster a sense of belonging.

Forge Meaningful Connections

Strengthen community bonds

Empowerment Through Sisterhood

✔ Brotherhood in Action

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Discover opportunities to create a positive impact within the community. Your involvement can transform lives, fostering change in both individuals and the community at large.

Create Joyful Moments

Transform Lives, One Act at a Time

Nourish Body and Soul of Others

✔ Brotherhood in Action

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Engage your children in exciting and educational programs designed to enrich their Jewish identity and values.

Fun for all ages

Celebrate with a Twist

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From little toddlers to elementary children, Aleph Bet Preschool and Tamim Academy provide a vibrant world of youth education. Watch your children thrive in their Jewish identity!




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Celebrate Jewish holidays in style! From joyful Purim parties to uplifting Chanukah events, experience the beauty and traditions of our festivals with joy, meaning, and community spirit.

Where Fun Meets Tradition

High Energy

camaraderie and togetherness

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Upcoming Classes


Journey of the Soul

Jewish Learning Institute – Journey of the Soul

Who hasn’t wondered what happens when we die? We know what happens to the body. But what happens to the soul at birth and again at death? Join a new course from JLI to delve into the fascinating topic.

When: Tuesdays, starting Oct 29
Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr


One Wow Moment

One Wow Moment: New Monthly Course for Women

How do we empower ourselves to make courageous and meaningful decisions? The Rosh Chodesh Society’s Course, One Wow Moment, takes a scholarly peek at pivotal moments of personal decision within the lives of six women of biblical fame, and investigates the internal strengths that propelled these women forward.

Lecturer: Menucha Levertov
 Monthly on Wednesdays, starting Nov 20
Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr



Weekly – Chassidic Texts

Discover the profound teachings of Chassidic philosophy through a weekly exploration of Tanya. Delve into its timeless wisdom and uncover layers of spiritual insight that can transform your perspective on life.

When: Sundays 8:00pm-9:00pm
Lecturer: Rabbi Yosef Levertov
Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr.



Weekly – Talmud Class

Join us for a weekly deep dive into the Talmud, where we unravel its complexities and extract valuable lessons that remain relevant today. Engage in intellectually stimulating discussions that enhance your understanding of Jewish law and philosophy.

Lecturer: Rabbi Yosef Levertov
Mondays, 7:30pm-8:30pm
Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr

Who we are

Chabad of Austin is a vibrant and inclusive Jewish organization dedicated to serving the diverse community in Austin and beyond. With a focus on fostering connections and enriching experiences, we offer a wide range of programs and services for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

From adult education and community services to social outreach and youth empowerment, our mission is to foster a  connection to Judaism and create meaningful experiences for people of all backgrounds. Whether you’re seeking opportunities for personal growth, engaging in joyful celebrations, or accessing support during life’s milestones, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Chabad of Austin is a hub of inspiration, support, and opportunities for everyone seeking to explore and strengthen their connection to Jewish life and heritage.

Who we are

Chabad of Austin is a vibrant and inclusive Jewish organization dedicated to serving the diverse community in Austin and beyond. With a focus on fostering connections and enriching experiences, we offer a wide range of programs and services for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

From adult education and community services to social outreach and youth empowerment, our mission is to foster a  connection to Judaism and create meaningful experiences for people of all backgrounds. Whether you’re seeking opportunities for personal growth, engaging in joyful celebrations, or accessing support during life’s milestones, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Chabad of Austin is a hub of inspiration, support, and opportunities for everyone seeking to explore and strengthen their connection to Jewish life and heritage.

What People Say About Chabad

Ariel Preminger
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Chabad has always kept their eye on the ball. They serve Jews unconditionally, they don't play politics and they give me the best bang for my buck. I have been associated with Chabad for thirty five years and their core belief, love for every Jew, remains the same. As the old saying goes, "you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".
Iris Koeller Bartov
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Chabad has been with me since my days in college all the way through to my adult life. Every milestone you were there! Helping me raise my children Jewishly at preschool, helping them love being Jewish at summer camp, and celebrating rites of passage through your bat mitzvah club. Never mind the countless meals and community celebrations. Chabad has been there for us and we too hope to be there for our beloved Chabad of Austin!
Adi Ankona
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The Levertov’s leadership and teachings enrich the lives of many members of Austin’s community. Their commitment and dedication to promoting and strengthening Jewish awareness, pride, and observance through Shabbat dinners, holiday services, lectures and numerous cultural activities is unmatched. Chabad of Austin is a welcoming place for Jews of all backgrounds regardless of their personal level of religious observance. We have been incredibly lucky to be part of this wonderful community. It is a beacon of light to many!

Chabad of Greater Austin

Explore the various Chabad centers located throughout Austin and find the one near and geared to you!
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